First Root Canal Anxiety? 3 Natural Way To Ease It
If you have been told that you need your first (and hopefully last) root canal, then you may be worried about what will happen on the "big day" of your appointment. While a little worrying is normal, don't let this anxiety take a toll on you or, even worse, keep you from getting the procedure you need. Try these natural options for easing dental anxiety.
1. Make Your Appointment as Soon as Possible
People tend to procrastinate when it comes to doing things they are afraid of or don't want to do. While you may be tempted to ask your dentist to schedule your appointment far in the future, taking the next available time slot is a better way to go for your mind and your tooth.
Early treatment is not only good for any problem with a tooth, but it is also better for your apprehensive mind. The longer you wait, the more your anxiety will just keep building and building. The sooner you have your tooth worked on, the sooner you can say, "That was it?".
2. Keep Your Mind off Your Tooth
While you should always be well informed about any medical or dental procedure you are having done, don't obsess over root-canal information every day leading up to your appointment. Dedicate an hour or two to get the information you need after you schedule your appointment, then focus on other things.
If you have a lot of idle time on your hands when you find your mind wandering into the "worrying" zone, then take the opportunity to fill this time with a new hobby or phone call to an old friend. Exercise is another great activity that can keep you busy while it helps lower your stress levels.
3. Use Natural Anxiety Reducers the Day of Your Treatment
Once the big day arrives, there are natural ways to calm your nerves before your appointment. If you can get an appointment in first thing in the morning, then that is the perfect time for you. That leaves less time for you to worry.
If you can't avoid having a mid-day or evening procedure, then start by reducing your caffeine intake as much as you can. Caffeine can worsen anxiety.
Also, instead of using your normal energizing body wash or fragrance, wear a soothing lavender, chamomile, or jasmine scent. These scents have been proven to reduce anxiety. Burn a scented candle in a similar scent if you are spending time at home before you visit the dentist.
Once you arrive at the dentist's office, he or she will take over with easing your fears, and the procedure will be over before you know it. You will then have a healthy tooth and realize that you really had nothing to be afraid of. Talk to places like Pinon Hills Dental for more tips and information.